There’s so many options of fitness. From being solo walking on the treadmill, watching our own thoughts over and over, to the step mill rotating and suffering the bittersweet.. There’s also another side of the spectrum.. Kangoo, Zumba, TaeBo. These are fun, quick passing workouts. I remember when I was competing for my fitness show- I didn’t build fun into my routines. I was very black and white. I did gruelling workouts, Did I get results? I did. Was I happy? I certainly was not. I remember when I was doing renovations at The Transformation Station almost a year ago now.. I hurt my back so incredibly much that I could barely stand or move. Once I was slowly able to get going again, I did the inevitable.

I purchased my first pair of Kangoo Jumps rebounding boots. I knew what this was, because I said no to Kangoo Jumps for over 10 years. At a fitness conference two years ago, someone approached me to try these boots on- I said no. I didn’t think they could hold my weight. I also don’t ski, snowboard, skate, or rollerblade.. in fact, I do not even ride a bicycle.

But, I was opening a gym, my back was out of commission and I needed to workout! I paid almost $400 for a pair of these boots.. never even trying them on, or attending a class. The first time I put on these boots- I stood up and sat down. NOPE. But then, the monetary crossed my mind lol. So, I STOOD UP. It was actually easier to move than it was to stay still. After a few minutes walking around, I realized it was actually something that I could do! I promised myself 100 days of putting these boots on, in a row, minimum 1 hour. Even if it was to walk around. After 3 days, posting on social media.. I was approached by many individuals if Kangoo Jumps would be offered at my gym.

Well.. that was not the plan… but, that’s how it started! I fell in love with Kangoo Jumps rebounding boots. I contacted Kangoo Club Canada and registered to become an instructor. Because I already have my certifications, this was easy for me to bring this into my location. This is where my mindset changed. I burn more during my 30 minutes beginner Kangoo Jumps classes than I did running intervals for 45 minutes. I became the fun side. It reminds me of Poppy from Trolls. Her friend that went from grey to full colour! *Insert song by Justin Timberlake here*. I love in-person Kangoo Jumps classes because it’s mind-freeing, it’s fun! The music fuels your soul, the energy is flowing, and we’re sweating and laughing, and hauling ass all at the same time. It’s glorious.

On that note, I leave you for now. To actually teach a Kangoo Jumps beginner class ironically! I’m working on my playlist so thought I’d share this little story with you all.

Stay healthy & safe my friends!! See you on Zoom 😉
